Who has ever been asked are you going to marry someone like your dad? It was always a joke, that I would end up marrying someone just like my father. And my thinking is no way, he has driven my mother crazy , why would I do that. Never say never. Because as soon as you do, it will surely happen.
I knew my husband when I was in high school, I did not know that someday we would be married.
Anyway about twenty years later, we met one night at a St Patricks Day party and started talking. We had seen each other through the years, but we were always with someone else. While we were at the party it was getting late and he asked if I would give him a ride home. I said sure, and that was the night that we fell for each other.
He was home on leave from the army to see the woman who raised him, his grandmother. While he was home, we saw each other a few times, and by the time he was due to go back, we knew that we wanted to be together .
He was gone for about a month , While he was there he put in for a compassionate reassignment . His Grandmother was in bad shape and needed him to come home and give her some assistance. He came home and did all kinds of work on her house to make it easier on her. She was seventy five years old and living alone. He arranged for one of her grandsons to be able to stay with her.
We spent a lot of time together and in December we got married. We were married a few years when I realized , you know he reminds me of someone. Guess who??? Yep it was my dad. Even my mother said several times, he’s just like your father.
The longer we lived together the more he favored Dad. He was a quiet man until he got mad, then look out!! When he was home, he sat in front of the TV eighty percent of the time, especially after he retired. Then he started collecting more stuff. I call it stuff, because it was stuff we would never use. It was like the more junk he kept the richer he felt. He grew up very poor and even when he was making good money and could afford anything he wanted, he would stop at garage sales and buy things he already had or something he would never use. We used to laugh about my dad, he had so many portable cassette players or CD players They were in the basement or in the garage. They were definitely two of a kind.
After my husband passed, I started cleaning the back yard first. The back yard was one hundred and fifty feet across .It was piled up with an old freezer ,the insides of a washing machine and believe it or not one of those huge sattilite dishes we all started out with before they started bolting them to the roof of our houses.
After the back yard there was a shed in the yard that was full of old old computers . No one wanted them they were so old.
Then I moved on to the garage. I ended up taking three tons of junk to the dump.
When my father passed, My mother faced the same problem I had. On top of all the stuff in her basement, she had the garage and a pole barn full. It took five of us days and days to clean up her place.
I hope they are in heaven having a wonderful time, and they better not have laughed at us cleaning up their mess.
We told them they could’nt take that junk with them!!!