What is love ?
February 5, 2024

I love you is an easy sentence to say, if you really mean it.  Some people in this world go their whole lives without hearing those words, and there are some that lets it roll off their tongue without a thought.

“  Love means never having to say you’re sorry” ? That’s bull!!!  If you really love someone, you won’t want them ever to feel like you are too big of a person that you can’t apologize. It should be just the opposite.  Love means putting your partner first in all things.  It says in the Bible that love is patient ,love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  And I think  all of these words are very important.  The love for your parents ,your grandparents .  The love for an animal, a pet.  The love of a good meal, or the love of sports.

I could go on and on about all the kinds of love we are capable of.

All the times that love is  written in the title of a song.  Love me Tender, I love you just the way you are, Love  is a many.  Splendored thing.  It is and always has been a very important word in our lives.

If you can love the person you are married to, even with the things they do that irritates you,  your marriage will last a long time..

You also can be married for other reasons.  There is stability, companionship ,loneliness or just so someone else can take care of you.  And of course keep you financially safe.   Or maybe you just want children.

I know you can fall out of love.  There is a saying that is “ you’re going to hurt me more than  I love you”

I loved a man that would leave me love note’s around the house, that I would find after he went to work.  . He always wanted to be touching me, holding my hand or have his arm around me. He would bring me flowers and cards with little words of love in them.  If all men treated their wives like that, he would be so spoiled.  He would want for nothing… and I mean nothing.  I know myself if a man would love me and cherish me hold me when I’m sad or hurt or just need the touch of another human being, I would feel like the luckiest woman on earth.  I would do anything for him that I thought would give him happiness. He would be the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing at night. I would willingly give my body to him anytime he wanted.  He would be my everything and I would be his .

I watched my parents live together for the eighteen years I lived with them, and hardly ever saw any affection pass between them.  My mother took care of him like she would one of us children.

She waited on him hand and foot.  The only time I saw them touch was when my Dad would leave for work

he would give her the fastest kiss I ever saw between two people. It was almost like he was afraid if he lingered to long , he would get burned.

I knew that wasn’t the kind of relationship I wanted.  But in the end, that is exactly what I ended up with.