Television Today. 
February 5, 2024

Have you ever thought about how television has changed from what it used to be, when we were kids?   I’m going to date myself, but I can remember when TV went off at 11:00 at night and all you saw after that was  a test pattern.  Our favorite show was Howdy Doody.  We would wait all day for that show to come on.  And don’t forget Captain Kangaroo.

The evening shows were Roy Rogers, Hop-along Cassidy, the  Ed Sullivan show and many more that I can’t recall.

When I was a teenager, there were words that you used when you went into a store for feminine products.  I remember my favorite,  it was. Oh yes when asking for Modess pads.  Morals and ethics were important in those days.  And intimate things weren’t talked about in public.

When I was in High School, we didn’t worry about what we ate, we would go downtown to the restaurant and have an order of French fries and a coke.  Not too many teenagers were fat back then, because we didn’t have cell phones that we were constantly looking at.  We were outside or helping with the house work.  I remember every Saturday morning, the only day I could have slept in, at eight o’clock my mom would be yelling at me to get up and help clean the house.   Back then I thought she was being mean, but now I know she was teaching me the things I would need to know when I married and had a family.  Also for me date nights were Wednesday nights and Saturday nights, I had to be home by eleven on Wednesdays and Midnight on the weekends.  When my dates brought me home, if I wasn’t in the house in ten minutes, the porch light would go on and off, on and off. Back then it was embarrassing , even dating has changed.

Girls if you have rules, it’s because your parents have been where you are and they are trying to protect you.  And boys if you are taught to respect girls , it because they love you and want the best life ever for you.

You know the old saying, the older you get, the smarter your parents become.  After all they were kids once upon a time, and probably had more rules than you.

Now TV stays on around the clock.  At any time you can watch pretty much what ever your heart desires.  With Amazon Fire stick,  I love that thing,  and Roku  the sky is the limit.   Although I’ve found while I’m searching for something new to watch, I find myself watching the oldies but goodies.  It’s kind of nice to go back in time and remember how it used to be.  Just last week I binge watched seven seasons with at least twenty episodes per season , of the television show Medium.  Allison Doubios was a women who could see and talk to dead people and had dreams about killings and other things that were happening .  She went to work for the District Attorney to help solve the crimes.   A little unbelievable but fun to watch. And it only took me two weeks to watch every one.   Didn’t get much house work done……..but the work was still there waiting for me