February 5, 2024

I absolutely hate getting any kind of needles stuck in me.  I have had plenty of them, and none of them were enjoyable.  I have been a Beautician most of my life, and with that job, comes back problems.   Because you are standing on your feet all day with your arms up in the air in someone’s hair, it sort of wears your back out.

I have been going to a pain management doctor for probable thirty-five or so years.  For a long time, I was getting injections.  When the pain clinic was part of the hospital, the doctors would have you put to sleep.  That was good, because you don’t have to feel the injections when they put them way down in your back.  I’ve seen those needles and they are long, and they go deep.

But you had to go through the nurses putting in an I.V. so they could keep you   asleep while the doctors are administering the Injections.   One day I had an appointment for the shots, so when the nurse comes in to hook up the I.V. I tell her that my veins tend to roll or pop when I get the needle.  She says don’t worry they call me the Queen of I.V.s.  OK I think this is good.  First, she gives me a small injection at the site where she is going to insert the needle.  Well, that didn’t feel very good, but then she tried to put the other needle in and she couldn’t hit the vein.  So, we move to the top of the hand on the other arm.  Little shot then move on to the big needle.

Nope, then we try several other places before she gave up and the Doctor came in and hit it the first time.  I think I counted at least ten tries with the needle.

I also go to the pain Clinic while I am in Florida.  I arrived for my appointment and here comes a new young nurse.

She tried to get an I.V. going and had the same trouble. The nurses took turns trying to get a needle in my arm.  Then they call out the big guns, the anesthesiologist to give it a try.  I’m telling you it felt like she was trying to put a fishhook in my arm.  Finally, another nurse came back for the second time and was going to try it again.  I was coaching her, telling her she can do it I know she could, I was begging her not to let everyone else have a second try.  Bingo, she did It, I wanted to get up and dance.

The one other time I was admitted into the hospital one night, I had been sick and throwing up. So here we go again. One nurse after another kept trying to start an I.V.  but they finally gave up.  The next morning the Doctor came in and put that I.V. in my arm in about thirty seconds.  I could have kissed him.  But I didn’t.