My Florida Neighbor 
February 5, 2024

I spend six months a year in Florida.  I like to get out of Michigan because it is cold and usually a lot of snow falls.  I have lived in Michigan since 1954, and I have seen a lot of winters.  Now I don’t have to stay in the cold and snowy north.

I have had several neighbors on both sides of me in the park where I live. We were acquainted with them, but not close.

The next guy that moved in was very quiet but nice.  He had never been married and lived alone.

Before my husband passed he would come over and help Bill do things, because my husband already had the onset of dementia .

Actually Chad helped everyone that needed anything. Especially if anyone needed   help with their Golf Cart.  He knew everything about golf carts, was always working on someone else’s cart or he would be cleaning up or painting one he bought.  He would buy  carts and fix them up and sell them.

He would always check on my dogs when we were gone. One time he put a walkie talkie in my house and if they would bark, he would get on his walkie and call their names and tell them to stop barking.  They actually would listen to him.  I’m sure the dogs were wondering where he was hiding.

Because he was so good to the two of us and now he is good to me, every time I cook something good, I always take dinner to him.  Also any baked goods, like pies or cakes.  I make sure he gets big pieces.

Chad looks after my golf cart and if I haven’t charged it for a while, I’ll go out in the morning to walk the dogs, I see he has plugged my cart into the charger.

He always has his ear to the ground and knows all the gossip going around the park.    So I’m always after him to fill  me in on what is going on.  I cut hair in the park, and I hear a lot of stories  too, so naturally I tell him what I hear.

He definitely has my back.  If I  need help with something, if he can’t help, he will find someone who can.

He very rarely leaves the park, except he goes to the produce market and brings home all kinds of fruits and vegetables and puts them in the mail room so everyone can take what they want

We have a neighbor across the street from us that had a stroke last year, needed to go to the doctor a lot when he first came home from the hospital.  His wife wasn’t well , so Chad stepped up and took Tom to every appointment he had.  He still looks after Tom and every night the two of them ride their trikes (three wheeled bicycles ) around the park just to make sure Tom gets the exercise he needs to get stronger.

Every Park should have a Chad as a tenant in their Park.  We are all better because of him.