May 28, 2024

You know the old saying, men, you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.  I wonder you said that?  I have lived with them and now I’m living without them.  Or one of them, and all men are not the same.

My man was a gentle man most of the time, until the got mad, then get out of the way.

He was easy to cook for.   Anything I put in front of him, he ate. I mean even if he didn’t  like it, he would eat it.  If it tasted horrible, he would eat it.  I remember one time I was cooking chicken in the crock pot and that new  seasoning came out.  I put some in with the chicken and an hour later, I added  a little more. I never thought about tasteing it. Anyway I dished it up and took it to him, then I got myself a plate and sat down to eat.  One bite, and I knew I had put way too much of this stuff in the chicken.  I immediately  got up and took the plate away from my husband, who was eating this bitter chicken like nothing was wrong with it.  When I took his plate away, he looked at me like what’s going on.  I said how can you eat this, it tastes terrible.   He just shrugged his shoulders and said it’s food, and you don’t waste food.  I said you do when it tastes this bad.  I’ll fix you something else to eat.

He never said a word if the house was messy, didn’t bother him if the sink was full of dirty dishes.  And the only time he said anything about laundry, was when he did’t have any clean underwear.

So I guess I was pretty lucky as far as that goes.

He retired two times while we were married.  The first time was from the Army.  He had served his country for twenty two years.

When he had no place to go when he got up in the morning, he didn’t know what to do with himself.  So the television took over his life.  The only reason he would leave his recliner was to go to the bathroom, or the kitchen for something to eat.

Now I was used to being home alone and cleaning .  I couldn’t run the vacuum , because I would block his view to the TV.  And the noise was awful, he couldn’t hear anything but the vacuum .  For the first six months I thought would go crazy.  I did not have one minute to myself all day.  Then of course, he has to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

After about six months he must have got tired of the television, because he decided to get on his computer and do his Family Tree.  He would stay in the computer room all day just working away.  It was great for me,I could just throw a sandwich at him around noon, then I didn’t see him until supper time.  For a number of months, he spent about eighty five percent of his time on the computer.

After he got his fill of those two things, he took himself outside to work in the yard.

Then he got another job.  He was maintenance  supervisor at the High School near us.  He worked there for several years then moved to the Elementary school for a few more years.  In total he worked for the school for fourteen years.  He retired for good, and to keep from killing him, we started traveling.