Lonely Hearts Beware
May 28, 2024

If you are single and lonely, beware of men on dating sites.  I am a widow and after a year of being alone, a friend talked me into going on a Dating site. I thought about it for a few days and said to myself, why not, maybe I’ll meet a nice Christian man and make a new friend.  I just wanted someone to text or call, even date.  Just a connection that wasn’t a girl, friend.   It’s a whole different conversation with a man than a woman.

Admit it, we want someone to tell us we are pretty or sweet anything to build our confidence up.

The first man I met on line was very good looking, he had his own business and had homes in Florida and Michigan.  I was very naive this first time out. He got me off the dating site and over to Skype. We texted for days , he asked question after question about me.  I never felt so important.  After a couple of days he started calling me sweet little names like Angel or Baby.  I was a little taken back by that, but let it slide.  He told me his company worked on oil rigs fixing underwater pipes.  Also showed me a contract that he was going to get paid  eight hundred thousand dollars for this job. I was blown away.  I’ve never seen that much money or knew anyone that had that kind of money.  We texted for over two weeks when he was getting ready to come off the rig and he was coming straight to me .

I was talking to my sister-in-law ,telling her some of the things he was saying to me.  She said you know he could be a scammer.  One of the things , besides being on an oil rig was, would I be his Queen and he would be my King.  She informed me that was a common thing these men said to their contact.

We started checking this man out, and the pictures he used were of a man that had been killed in a motorcycle wreck in 2018.

I think he was getting ready to ask me for money because at the last minute before he was to leave, he had a piece of machinery break down and he was going to fly to Mexico and it was going to cost. Forty five thousand dollars.  I’m thinking this is too much and I got out. I did not wait for him to ask for money.  Because at some time their bank account will be locked for some reason.

Ladies if it sounds like it’s too good to be true.  It is !!! No matter what pet name they call you or how much money they claim to have in the bank ,or how many homes they own, or number one if they use God or any religious connection please beware.

I was so trusting and naive that I was open to any lie they wanted to tell me.  I guess I thought people wouldn’t be that mean just to make money off of people.  But believe me, there are men and women out there that will do anything to anyone to make money.

So guard your heart and your bank account!!!