Living in the Country
February 5, 2024

As long as I can remember, I have lived in the country.  I think living in a city would drive me crazy, all the traffic noise and the sirens at all times of the night.

Give me the quiet nights and clean air.  All you might hear at night would be crickets or

Cicadas ,Katydids or maybe a frog.  But one of the best sounds at night is when it rains and you can hear the rain.drops hitting the roof of your house, especially  if you have a metal roof.  I could listen to that forever.  Where do you think the song “I Love a Rainy night “ came from?  Someone had to be laying in bed one night while it was raining and thought, I think  I’ll write a song about this.

Another thing about being in the country, you can leave your windows open at night and hear the wind whistling through the trees

Once in a while you might hear cars going by with their radios turned up,  those are just daters out cruising around spending time with their significant other listening  to their favorite songs.

I used to lay in bed at night and read books, and when it was bed time, my mom would yell up the stairs , turn the lights off, it’s bed time.  I would obediently turn my light off an get my flashlight from my night stand drawer and get all the way under the covers and continue to read.  I loved reading so much, I was willing  to get into trouble if I got caught , but I never did.  Now I have an iPad and I can read in the dark without a flashlight  because my screen is lit up.  Not that anyone is going to be yelling at me to go to sleep.

There is a little bit of disadvantage to living out in the country, there are no big stores close by, but you just make a list and every time you think of something you are almost out of or will need, write it down on your list and when you do go to town, you just get it all while you are there.  Yes I usually spend more money doing It that way, but you do save on gas.

What is convenient today is shopping on line, like Amazon.  Some items you can get delivered the next day.  I don’t think there is anything that Amazon doesn’t sell. Believe me I have bought a lot of stuff at Amazon, From Vitamins to Dresses, to swimsuits . I have purchased outside furniture , a huge Gazebo so my dogs can have shade.  The list goes on and on, I often joke to my friends, that

I should own stock in Amazon I buy so much from them.

What is convenient today, is shopping on line, like Amazon.  Some things you can get the very next day , and I don’t think