February 5, 2024

I was thinking about dogs, funny huh, that’s all I talk about.

Over the years we have had so the dogs , some were smart, some not so smart.

Then you have the middle of the road smart.

Our first dog , Princess wasn’t very smart, if you remember the skunk incident.  But is that being smart or not so smart, or is it just instinct?  Just like most dogs will go after a porcupine every time again and again.

And that has got to hurt!!  But again isn’t that what dogs do.  We wouldn’t do that as humans, if something hurts us, we usually won’t do that again.  Do humans act on instinct about things?   Is  it instinct to stay away from things that scare us or cause us pain.

We even stay away from food that doesn’t taste good.  But then again we eat things that aren’t good for us.  That’s when humans aren’t very smart.

As children , most of us were brought up knowing right from wrong,

good from bad.  We were taught morals and ethics.  All the things that will get us through life .  But somewhere  along the line, we develop a mind of our own.   Some ideas we get from our peers  or the people we work with , or maybe the people we go to church with.  They might give you a different way to look at some things and we think ,I like that, it makes more sense than what I

was taught.   So we head off in a different direction and start to let people know how we feel now.  And mom and dad are left shaking their heads, thinking that’s not what we taught them.

I think that kind of thing makes the world change just a little bit.

We can start out on one path right out of school, and in ten years have a whole new outlook.

I think most people are smart, how can we have so much knowledge given to us and not have a little sense.

So we go along and then marry and have our own children.   And it starts all over again, teaching them right from wrong .

Society today is getting messed up from what it used to be.   So many different ideas about who we are, what we call ourselves , what we wear, and things that used to be right are now wrong.

A person could get a little mixed up, if we didn’t have that teaching that we received when we were children.  You can’t blame the young people today, it ’s got to  be hard to live in this world growing up learning one thing and now it’s all changed.

You know, God has to be sad to see the way things have turned around, I know I am.  Sometimes I yearn for the days when I was young and girls were girls  and boys were boys.  Women were respected for being  good mothers and providers in some cases.

And men were proud to be good fathers and leaders in their community.  Back when the churches were full and people had enough money to feed their families and pay their bills, and still have money to buy other necessities for their families.   When you didn’t have to worry about having enough money to pay for gas to get you to work and back.   Or you were safe on the streets from gun fire from gangs shooting at each other and killing innocent bystanders .  Or the stores weren’t being robbed and people lose their businesses because of it.

All we can do is hang in there and pray that things get back like they were in days gone by.