Do you remember your first day of High School? My first day is a little foggy, it has been a number of years ago. I was fifteen years old and scared to death. I had a lot of friends that I knew from church, so the first thing I did was search them all out. And you know what, they were just as scared as I was. It was a new building we were in and a lot of new people. A lot of upperclassmen, and a lot more boys, older than we we’re used to. And this was the first time we would be going to different rooms for different subjects. That was a trip!! It seemed like we spent most of the day running up and down stairs, our building had three floors.
It took a few days to get used to the routine, but after a while we were old pros, and we wondered why we had been so frightened that first day.
My subjects were Biology, Math, History and Home economics. I loved home economics the best. We learned to sew, and cook, not just cook, but how to plan a meal, when to cook part of the meal so it would all be done at the same time. You know I never gave it a thought that my mother was so smart in the kitchen. I didn’t know that was something that needed to be taught.
We made an apron, and when we got a little better at sewing, we made a dress. My dress even had a matching jacket. I was so proud of that outfit, but for the life of me I don’t remember what happened to it. Did I wear it out, or just forget about it when the newness of it wore off.
Then came tenth grade, we were no longer the underclassmen, we were moving up. It was a whole different year, new subjects, and a new routine. The socializing got better too, the first year was just getting adjusted. Now for some fun.
I think my second favorite subject was typing. I had always wanted to learn how to type and that year I accomplished it.
Every year I was in High School, I was invited to the Coronation dances and the Proms.
I don’t remember who I went with to all of them, you’re talking eight different dates for the four years. Except the last one, the Senior Prom. I invited a guy that I had dated in High School. He had been out of school a couple of years. It wasn’t the night I had dreamed it.
would be. First, he didn’t bring me a corsage, and I had a boutonniere for him. I didn’t give it to him, I didn’t want people asking me where my flower was.
He ended up drinking at one of the after parties we went to. Then we went to park, and I thought maybe a little make out session, but he had other things in mind. I made him take me home, and never saw him again.
So that was the end of my four years in high school, not happy, but memorable.
Back then I could not wait to get out of school. Now it is sixty years later, and I wonder where the time went. Why was I in such a hurry!!!