May 22, 2024

The next guy that pops up is another General, but this one was a 4 star General.

I swear, the same scammer that used the last General, came on too fast and used a lot of the same names for family members.   And guess what, this guy is in Poland visiting his Sister.  This one was 7 hours ahead  of us.  When I asked for pictures, he came up with the same ones I found.  I went a little deeper tho, I researched his wife.   In the scam, this guy was divorced and looking for a woman.  In the Generals real life he had a beautiful wife that had been with him the whole 39 years in the Army,  but what the scammer didn’t find out was the Generals wife had passed away just one month to the day that this guy was doing this.

When I finally called him out, I told him a man of this Generals reputation and place in society there was no way he would be out trolling for a woman  a month after his wife died.

And I told him that I believed he was the same idiot that tried to scam me with the other General.  He had used two other family names as the first guy.

Well, mad  and indignant , he swore he was the real General.  I told him the only way I would believe that was if he video chatted with me so I could see his face .  I didn’t hear from him for awhile, but his parting words were.  No woman gives me conditions !!

The next one was so adamant about me telling him I wanted the same things he did and I wouldn’t do it.i told him I wasn’t the woman for him and wished him luck in finding that women.  His next response was did I want this relationship as much as he did?  DUH!!

The next two guys that liked me, I told them up front, I would love to chat with you, but know I’m going to be researching you .  When they don’t answer, you have your answer.

Some scammers really do their homework and take their time chatting you up.

When a guy sends a like and they look like a model,  move on. If they start calling you dear honey or babe in the second or third response,  move on.  If they want your phone number or email right away , move on.  If they push you for a commitment too fast, you got it , move on.

I have been on two different dating sites and I told  a friend if I wanted to make extra money, I could advertise that I could teach some of these idiots how to scam and not get caught.

And put a price list up somewhere scammers hang out.  Seriously why these men and women want to scam people out of their money is beyond me.  There have been lonely women out there that are so desperate that they sell the house they live in because someone had romanced them and lied to them about coming to America to marry them.  Or they have bought wedding dresses for themselves thinking they are going to wed these losers.

I have told my friends, if I ever get that desperate, just shoot me please.

Some people ask me why I keep going to the sites, why don’t I just stay off of them.  I tell them now that I have gotten smarter, its fun running these guys off.  Maybe it will stop some of them from doing it.   NAH, PROBABLY NOT !!