Lonely Hearts Beware

Lonely Hearts Beware

If you are single and lonely, beware of men on dating sites.  I am a widow and after a year of being alone, a friend talked me into going on a Dating site. I thought about it for a few days and said to myself, why not, maybe I’ll meet a nice Christian man and make a...



You know the old saying, men, you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.  I wonder you said that?  I have lived with them and now I’m living without them.  Or one of them, and all men are not the same. My man was a gentle man most of the time, until the...



The next guy that pops up is another General, but this one was a 4 star General. I swear, the same scammer that used the last General, came on too fast and used a lot of the same names for family members.   And guess what, this guy is in Poland visiting his...



Then he got sick , he was dizzy and felt really bad, couldn’t go to the site, all he could do was lay in bed.  To see a Dr  there, it costs $450 a visit.  He went and found out his blood pressure  was high, but he left his pills at home because he didn’t need them any...



Well the last thing on part one was questioning him about the phone he had. Dummy me, I let it go.  This man really laid the ground work for the scam he was about to do on me.  I think once I started questioning him about different things that I was finding out,  he...



Have you ever been on a dating site?  Take heed, there are a lot of people out there that have made Dating  sites their place of employment.   Some of them  make very good money.  There are a lot of lonely people out there that are looking for someone that might...

My Nephew

My Nephew

My Nephew About thirty eight years ago, my brother and his wife were getting ready to welcome a new baby into the family.   This was very exciting for all of us.   I would be a first time Aunt and my Mom and Dad would become first time Grandparents,  then there is my...

Cotton clothes feel so good on our bodies

Cotton clothes feel so good on our bodies

It is natural and comes from a plant, that after planting in the ground,it first becomes a flower then it turns into a soft boll which is soft and fluffy on the inside. After it is full grown , it is picked , it is then spun into a wonderful soft, breathable material....

My Life Long Dream

My Life Long Dream

As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a Beautician.  I wanted to have my own Beauty Shop. When I was a young teenager, I was already doing peoples hair.  I had pictures of our living room on a Saturday.  There would be kitchen chairs. all around the room, and...

Life in a Fifty and older park in Florida

Life in a Fifty and older park in Florida

Somewhere around twenty years ago, my husband and I decided to buy a place in a park in Florida.  We had been down in that area the year before  in our motor home.  We bought a small park model that was fourteen by thirty-five feet.  Very small, even smaller that the...

High School

High School

Do you remember your first day of High School? My first day is a little foggy, it has been a number of years ago.  I was fifteen years old and scared to death.  I had a lot of friends that I knew from church, so the first thing I did was search them all out.  And you...

My Brother

My Brother

When we were young, my brother was the biggest pain I had ever had.  He would torment me all the time.  He is seven years younger than me, so when I was sixteen and starting to date, he was merciless.  It was Voni has a boyfriend constantly.  Even if I had one date he...



When you have been married most of your life, then all of a sudden you are alone, there are some adjustments that have to be made. First you are the only person in the house, so when you hear a strange sound at night, it is a little unsettling . You just lay there for...

Living in the Country

Living in the Country

As long as I can remember, I have lived in the country.  I think living in a city would drive me crazy, all the traffic noise and the sirens at all times of the night. Give me the quiet nights and clean air.  All you might hear at night would be crickets or Cicadas...

My Florida Neighbor 

My Florida Neighbor 

I spend six months a year in Florida.  I like to get out of Michigan because it is cold and usually a lot of snow falls.  I have lived in Michigan since 1954, and I have seen a lot of winters.  Now I don’t have to stay in the cold and snowy north. I have had several...



I was thinking about dogs, funny huh, that’s all I talk about. Over the years we have had so the dogs , some were smart, some not so smart. Then you have the middle of the road smart. Our first dog , Princess wasn’t very smart, if you remember the skunk incident.  But...

What is love ?

What is love ?

I love you is an easy sentence to say, if you really mean it.  Some people in this world go their whole lives without hearing those words, and there are some that lets it roll off their tongue without a thought. “  Love means never having to say you’re sorry” ? That’s...

Television Today. 

Television Today. 

Have you ever thought about how television has changed from what it used to be, when we were kids?   I’m going to date myself, but I can remember when TV went off at 11:00 at night and all you saw after that was  a test pattern.  Our favorite show was Howdy Doody.  We...

Michigan Gathering

Michigan Gathering

Our park in Florida has a standing summer get together for the people that live in Michigan. This last year, I volunteered to host the party.  My brother and his wife agreed to help me, because we live next door to each other and they have been coming to Florida to...

When you Marry

When you Marry

Who has ever been asked are you going to marry someone like your dad? It was always a joke, that I would end up marrying someone just like my father.  And my thinking is no way, he has driven my mother crazy , why would I do that.  Never say never.  Because as soon as...



I absolutely hate getting any kind of needles stuck in me.  I have had plenty of them, and none of them were enjoyable.  I have been a Beautician most of my life, and with that job, comes back problems.   Because you are standing on your feet all day with your arms up...

My Nephew  

My Nephew  

About thirty eight years ago, my brother and his wife were getting ready to welcome a new baby into the family.   This was very exciting for all of us.   I would be a first time Aunt and my mom and dad would become first time Grandparents. And it would be a first time...