Somewhere around twenty years ago, my husband and I decided to buy a place in a park in Florida. We had been down in that area the year before in our motor home. We bought a small park model that was fourteen by thirty-five feet. Very small, even smaller that the motor home.
An elderly woman had been living there and was taken out in a hurry and left everything she had except her clothes. It had sat empty for several years before we bought it. We made the trip down in our Road Trek, which was a good thing because when we got there started cleaning, we got a big surprise. Cock Roaches !!! Of course, they call them Palmetto Bugs there, but they sure looked like roaches to me.
We then realized there was no way we were sleeping there until all the critters were exposed of. It seemed like every little nook and cranny was full of these bugs. So thank God we had the Road Trek to sleep in.
We cleaned for a solid week before we moved in we bought new beds for us to sleep in.
We settled in and was enjoying the weather and met new friends, I even started cutting hair in this little park. We were there about four years when the park was sold. A new manager came in and let everyone know she was in charge. I was the activities director. When she found this out she told me I could do nothing without running it by her first. Well needless to say her and I did not get along and pretty soon we had a big fight and we started looking for another park to move to. We put the place up for sale, but everyone that looked at it, she would tell them it wasn’t worth what we were asking for it. She ran off every buyer that was interested.
In the meantime, we found the park that I am in now. We bought a bigger park model and moved out. We ended up having the place towed over to our new park and that summer we sold it and got what we wanted. I am still in the park where we moved. I have made many new friends and I have a lot of clients that come for haircuts and other stuff like perms and color. I don’t ask for much money because about everyone in the park is retired and living on a fixed income.
The park is on a river, so we get to fish anytime we want. A few years ago, we helped start a church in the park. Bill and I played music for the hymn singing. We would also sing some of the songs we sang in the group we used to be with. I’m happy to say the church is still going strong.
Now I’m alone in the park, but I want for nothing, anyone that is alone, has all the help they need for whatever reason.
I hope to live there for a lot of years. As long as I am able to drive down there, I will continue to go and enjoy the weather and my friends.